arden paul it s not how good you are it s how good you want to be

Arden Paul Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite

Arden Paul Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite


It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be (2003) has sold over half a million copies worldwide. There have been many books written on good business practice. All eminently sensible. All based on logic, common sense and good manners. Essential if you want to be a supermarket manager. But for those wishing to break new ground it is not enough. Logic and common sense have a habit of leading us to the same conclusions. If you are going to make your mark on the world you have to start thinking differently. To think differently you have to think illogically. Whatever You Think Think The Opposite looks at life the wrong way in a bid to explain the benefits of making wrong decisions.

3335 Руб.

Arden Paul It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be

Arden Paul It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be


It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world: a pocket bible for the talented and timid alike to help make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his wisdom on issues as diverse as problem solving, responding to a brief, communicating, playing your cards right, making mistakes, and creativity - all endeavours that can be applied to aspects of modern life. This uplifting and humorous little book provides a unique insight into the world of advertising and is a quirky compilation of quotes, facts, pictures, wit and wisdom - all packed into easy-to-digest, bite-sized spreads. If you want to succeed in life or business, this book is a must.

1786 Руб.

Арден Пол Прыгай выше головы

Арден Пол Прыгай выше головы


"Прыгай выше головы" (It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be) - карманное зарядное устройство на случай посадки ваших творческих батареек, уверенности в собственных силах дерзать и добиваться невозможного. Пол Арден, гуру рекламного бизнеса, делится своими идеями, опытом, заработанным на собственных ошибках, и энергией, которой у этого человека явно на троих, - и всем этим можно успешно пользоваться в процессе достижения экстраординарных результатов в деловой и творческой жизни. Художник-иллюстратор: Александр Кириллов.

141 Руб.

Bassi Paul Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life

Bassi Paul Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life


Success is a simple thing that most people believe to be something mysterious and complicated - the reality, according to Paul Bassi, is something completely different. In the vast majority of cases, the people at the top have got there by following disciplines that open to everyone. The truth about success is that it's closer than you might think but harder work than you expect.Anyone can be successful in life - by your own definition, which is the only one that really matters - if you set yourself a central ambition and follow some fundamental principles about how it can be achieved. While the advice in this book may look primarily at business and property, the underlying themes are applicable to whatever life and career you wish to pursue.Drawing on stories from his youth, early career, family life and his current position as one of the Midlands' most prominent property investors, Paul Bassi shows how you can plan your own journey to success. It won't be easy; it won't happen overnight; and it won't come without making sacrifices. But if you want it badly enough and are prepared to be disciplined and relentless in your approach, it is all perfectly possible. This book will show you exactly what it takes.

995 Руб.

Bassi Cbe P. Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life

Bassi Cbe P. Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life


Success is a simple thing that most people believe to be something mysterious and complicated - the reality, according to Paul Bassi, is something completely different. In the vast majority of cases, the people at the top have got there by following disciplines that open to everyone. The truth about success is that it's closer than you might think but harder work than you expect.Anyone can be successful in life - by your own definition, which is the only one that really matters - if you set yourself a central ambition and follow some fundamental principles about how it can be achieved. While the advice in this book may look primarily at business and property, the underlying themes are applicable to whatever life and career you wish to pursue.Drawing on stories from his youth, early career, family life and his current position as one of the Midlands' most prominent property investors, Paul Bassi shows how you can plan your own journey to success. It won't be easy; it won't happen overnight; and it won't come without making sacrifices. But if you want it badly enough and are prepared to be disciplined and relentless in your approach, it is all perfectly possible. This book will show you exactly what it takes.

995 Руб.

Bassi Cbe P. Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life

Bassi Cbe P. Brick by Brick. Success in Business and Life


Success is a simple thing that most people believe to be something mysterious and complicated - the reality, according to Paul Bassi, is something completely different. In the vast majority of cases, the people at the top have got there by following disciplines that open to everyone. The truth about success is that it's closer than you might think but harder work than you expect.Anyone can be successful in life - by your own definition, which is the only one that really matters - if you set yourself a central ambition and follow some fundamental principles about how it can be achieved. While the advice in this book may look primarily at business and property, the underlying themes are applicable to whatever life and career you wish to pursue.Drawing on stories from his youth, early career, family life and his current position as one of the Midlands' most prominent property investors, Paul Bassi shows how you can plan your own journey to success. It won't be easy; it won't happen overnight; and it won't come without making sacrifices. But if you want it badly enough and are prepared to be disciplined and relentless in your approach, it is all perfectly possible. This book will show you exactly what it takes.

995 Руб.

The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It`s Broken

The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It`s Broken


You may not wish to think about it, but one day you or someone you love will almost certainly appear in a criminal courtroom. You might be a juror, a victim, a witness or - perhaps through no fault of your own - a defendant. Whatever your role, you’d expect a fair trial. I’m a barrister. I work in the criminal justice system, and every day I see how fairness is not guaranteed. Too often the system fails those it is meant to protect. The innocent are wronged and the guilty allowed to walk free. In The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken I want to share some stories from my daily life to show you how the system is broken, who broke it and why we should start caring before it’s too late.

770 Руб.

The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It`s Broken

The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It`s Broken


You may not wish to think about it, but one day you or someone you love will almost certainly appear in a criminal courtroom. You might be a juror, a victim, a witness or - perhaps through no fault of your own - a defendant. Whatever your role, you’d expect a fair trial. I’m a barrister. I work in the criminal justice system, and every day I see how fairness is not guaranteed. Too often the system fails those it is meant to protect. The innocent are wronged and the guilty allowed to walk free. In The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken I want to share some stories from my daily life to show you how the system is broken, who broke it and why we should start caring before it’s too late.

770 Руб.

Middleton Ant Zero Negativity. The Power of Positive Thinking

Middleton Ant Zero Negativity. The Power of Positive Thinking


There are times when life feels like it has you cornered: financial difficulties, relationship issues, work problems, all of the above. Every one of us, at one time or another, will have to face up to the challenges that come our way. And there are two ways of meeting them: negatively, where blame is the answer, where other people are at fault, where you haven't been treated fairly. Or positively, where you own the situation, learn and grow from it, and become a better person at the end of it. Letting you into areas of his life he's never talked about before, in Zero Negativity, Ant will show you how to embrace failure and use it to your advantage, how to see change as the foundation of your future success, how to develop resilience, how to deal with bullies, what it means to be a positive roll model, and how to live a life with no regrets. This book will not tell you who to be, where you should live, or what job you should do. That's up to you. What this book is for, however, is to give you the tools you need to become the best possible version of yourself, to own who and what you are, and to live your life with Zero Negativity.

1685 Руб.

The Secret Barrister The Secret Barrister. Stories of the Law and How It's Broken

The Secret Barrister The Secret Barrister. Stories of the Law and How It's Broken


An anonymous barrister offers a shocking, darkly comic and very moving journey through the legal system - and explains how it's failing all of us. You may not wish to think about it, but one day you or someone you love will almost certainly appear in a criminal courtroom. You might be a juror, a victim, a witness or - perhaps through no fault of your own - a defendant. Whatever your role, you'd expect a fair trial. I'm a barrister. I work in the criminal justice system, and every day I see how fairness is not guaranteed. Too often the system fails those it is meant to protect. The innocent are wronged and the guilty allowed to walk free. In The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It's Broken I want to share some stories from my daily life to show you how the system is broken, who broke it and why we should start caring before it's too late.

3117 Руб.

Heppell Michael How to Be Brilliant

Heppell Michael How to Be Brilliant


Sometimes being just ‘good’ just isn’t good enough. Sometimes we all need to be brilliant. In just 90 days, How To Be Brilliant will show you how to change the way you think and behave so that you can embrace every day, every experience and every opportunity with positivity, energy, enthusiasm and inspiration. Michael Heppell, author of the bestselling book Flip It, will introduce you to over 50 amazing tricks, tips and tools that, when properly applied, will move you and your life on to a whole new, exciting level. This is the level where you really shine. It’s the level where you believe anything is possible. And it’s the level where you start living your dreams and becoming the person you always wished you could be. So don’t just be good; learn to be brilliant and discover a better way of being.

1949 Руб.

Hoving W. Tiffany s Table Manners for Teenagers

Hoving W. Tiffany s Table Manners for Teenagers


Here is the perfect little book for anyone--teenage or otherwise--who has ever wanted to master the art of good table manners. Written by Walter Hoving, former chairman of Tiffanys of New York, it is a step-by-step introduction to all the basics, from the moment the meal begins (It is customary for the young man to help the young lady on his right to be seated) to the time it ends (Remember that a dinner party is not a funeral, nor has your hostess invited you because she thinks you are in dire need of food. Youre there to be entertaining). In addition to the essentials about silverware, service, and sociability, it includes many of the fine points, too--the correct way to hold a fish fork, how to eat an artichoke properly, and, best of all, how to be a gracious dining companion. Concise, witty, and illustrated with humor and style by Joe Eula, this classic guide to good table manners has delighted readers of all ages for more than 50 years.

1242 Руб.

Hoving W. Tiffany s Table Manners for Teenagers

Hoving W. Tiffany s Table Manners for Teenagers


Here is the perfect little book for anyone--teenage or otherwise--who has ever wanted to master the art of good table manners. Written by Walter Hoving, former chairman of Tiffanys of New York, it is a step-by-step introduction to all the basics, from the moment the meal begins (It is customary for the young man to help the young lady on his right to be seated) to the time it ends (Remember that a dinner party is not a funeral, nor has your hostess invited you because she thinks you are in dire need of food. Youre there to be entertaining). In addition to the essentials about silverware, service, and sociability, it includes many of the fine points, too--the correct way to hold a fish fork, how to eat an artichoke properly, and, best of all, how to be a gracious dining companion. Concise, witty, and illustrated with humor and style by Joe Eula, this classic guide to good table manners has delighted readers of all ages for more than 50 years.

1242 Руб.

North D. Pause

North D. Pause


Pause is an important message ready to be heard. We check our phones an average of 221 times a day, we have apps that help us sleep and remind us to be mindful while we secretly measure our success in "likes". Time is our luxury and yet with technology we are never able to leave the office, even when we aren’t there. The fear of missing out makes us rush from one thing to the next, not really taking any of it in. Pause allows you to finally put yourself, your feelings and your intuition first. Learning to say no, doing the things that make you feel good, and not doing the things that don’t make you feel good - these are not self indulgent, listening to your own heart and wisdom doesn’t make you selfish, slowing down to appreciate your life isn’t lazy or unambitious. It is an ancient message, but still just as strong; when you pause to take care of yourself and your own life, you become the person you’re meant to be. This book gives you the space and the practices so that you can learn how to benefit from the power of the pause. It uses nature, creativity and your inner spirit to allow the energy to flow freely once again. There are exercises to ground you, give access to your intuition, to breathe deeply and allow your monkey mind to settle. It gives you time to explore what is big in your life right now, to know deep down what matters. It opens you up, allowing you to freely experience all the pain, the joy and the twists and turns of life. It gives you back your courage, your fire and your connection.

1142 Руб.

North D. Pause

North D. Pause


Pause is an important message ready to be heard. We check our phones an average of 221 times a day, we have apps that help us sleep and remind us to be mindful while we secretly measure our success in "likes". Time is our luxury and yet with technology we are never able to leave the office, even when we aren’t there. The fear of missing out makes us rush from one thing to the next, not really taking any of it in. Pause allows you to finally put yourself, your feelings and your intuition first. Learning to say no, doing the things that make you feel good, and not doing the things that don’t make you feel good - these are not self indulgent, listening to your own heart and wisdom doesn’t make you selfish, slowing down to appreciate your life isn’t lazy or unambitious. It is an ancient message, but still just as strong; when you pause to take care of yourself and your own life, you become the person you’re meant to be. This book gives you the space and the practices so that you can learn how to benefit from the power of the pause. It uses nature, creativity and your inner spirit to allow the energy to flow freely once again. There are exercises to ground you, give access to your intuition, to breathe deeply and allow your monkey mind to settle. It gives you time to explore what is big in your life right now, to know deep down what matters. It opens you up, allowing you to freely experience all the pain, the joy and the twists and turns of life. It gives you back your courage, your fire and your connection.

1142 Руб.

Devora Zack Networking for People Who Hate Networking, Second Edition: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected

Devora Zack Networking for People Who Hate Networking, Second Edition: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected


Would you rather get a root canal than schmooze with a bunch of strangers? Does the phrase "working a room" make you want to retreat to yours? Is small talk a big problem? Devora Zack used to be just like you--in fact, she still is. But she's also a successful consultant who addresses thousands of people each year, and she didn't change her personality to do it. Quite the contrary.Zack politely examines and then smashes to tiny fragments the "dusty old rules" of standard networking advice. You don't have to become a backslapping extrovert or even learn how to fake it. Incredible as it seems, the very traits that make you hate networking can be harnessed to forge an approach even more effective than traditional techniques. It's a different kind of networking--and it works.Networking enables you to accomplish the goals that are most important to you. But you can't adopt a style that isn't true to who you are. "I have never met a person who did not benefit tremendously from learning how to network--on his or her own terms," Zack writes. "You do not succeed by denying your natural temperament; you succeed by working with your strengths."

1859 Руб.

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