silver alain sinatra

Silver Alain Sinatra

Silver Alain Sinatra


Long before he was Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra was a child of the jazz age and its free-wheeling approach to life. In the course of a meteoric rise from singing waiter to the world's first pop star, Sinatra relied on his own version of keeping it simple: "I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life or the answer to life. I just go on from day to day taking what comes." As an entertainer Sinatra was both a visionary and a pragmatist, a prototype for the 20th century, who realized in the end that "You only live once, and the way I live, once is enough." The Movie Icon series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, TASCHEN shows you. Movie Icons is a series of photo books that feature the most famous personalities in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Alain Silver has co-written and co-edited a score of books including The Samurai Film, The Noir Style, The Vampire Film, Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

718 Руб.

Silver Alain McQueen

Silver Alain McQueen


A few years before he was an actor, McQueen was a juvenile delinquent. A few years before he was a movie star, McQueen was a towel boy in a brothel. A few years before he commanded $3 million fees and gross points, McQueen raced motorcycles on weekends because he needed the prize money. McQueen's life was full of emotional contradictions: he was fanatically loyal but unrelentingly paranoid; devoted but faithless; a bastard seeking legitimacy; an early environmentalist and perennial chauvinist; famous worldwide and desperate for anonymity and solitude. An actor schooled in method but grounded outside of any process, he pared away all pretension, imbuing his characters with a vitality that was never just about what he said or how he looked but the way he did it. His performances were effortless yet powerful, raw yet complex. At a level beyond easy analysis, McQueen connected with the people who saw him on television, in movie houses, anywhere on earth. Even at the peak of his celebrity, one might as easily get a glimpse of him on a stool in a neighborhood bar or in an unemployment line as on a magazine cover, which is why he was perceived not merely as cool but as entirely authentic. On screen he was defiant without swagger, disdainful without hatred, smoothly sexual without the hearts and flowers. McQueen took being hip to a new place while he took earning money in Hollywood to new heights.

718 Руб.

Alain Silver. Film Noir

Alain Silver. Film Noir

Пр-во: Республика

Все, что вам нужно знать о фильме «Нуар». Будь то «Двойная компенсация», «Поцелуй меня насмерть» или «Большой сон», бродите по мрачному и задумчивому элегантному экранному миру с этим незаменимым справочником по фильму «Нуар». Редакторы Пол Дункан и Юрген Мюллер, от частных сыщиков и совершенных преступлений до коррумпированных полицейских и обреченных дел, исследуют ключевые темы нуара и их наиболее показательные фильмы с 1940 по 1960 годы мастерских визуальных композиций нуара, исследуя повествовательные парадигмы этого загадочного, неотразимого и развивающегося жанра. Если этого недостаточно, чтобы утолить ваш кинематографический аппетит, том завершается подборкой TASCHEN из 50 лучших классических нуарных фильмов. Эта книга, наполненная загадочными дамами, отчаянными гангстерами и психопатами-убийцами, которые продолжают отбрасывать длинную и пленительную тень на кинематограф, является обязательным справочником как для поклонников нуара, так и для любителей. «Преступность еще никогда не выглядела так хорошо» - Таймс, ЛондонAll you need to know about Film Noir Whether it's Double Indemnity, Kiss Me Deadly, or The Big Sleep, roam a screen world of dark and brooding elegance with this essential handbook to Film Noir. From private eyes and perfect crimes to corrupt cops and doomed affairs, editors Paul Duncan and Jurgen Muller examine noir's key themes and their most representative movies from 1940 to 1960. Copiously illustrated with film stills as well as original posters, this book offers page after page of noir's masterful visual compositions while exploring the narrative paradigms of this cryptic, compelling, and evolving genre. If that weren't enough to tickle your cinematic appetite, the volume concludes with TASCHEN's top 50 pick of noir classics. Brimming with the enigmatic dames, desperate gangsters, and psycho killers that continue to cast a long and captivating shadow over cinema, this is a must-have handbook for noir aficionados and amateurs alike. "Crime has never looked so good." -- The Times, London

2750 Руб.

Silver Alain K. Hepburn

Silver Alain K. Hepburn


"Show me an actress who isn't a personality, and you'll show me a woman who isn't a star." From birth, Katharine Hepburn seemed destined to become a symbol of the modern woman on stage, on screen, and in the world. Fiercely competitive, private, and independent, Hepburn was one part Olympic athlete Babe Didrikson, one part Amelia Earhart, and two parts Greta Garbo. Although often paired with the greatest actors in Hollywood-Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen); Cary Grant (Bringing Up Baby), James Stewart (The Philadelphia Story), and Spencer Tracy (Adam's Rib, Woman of the Year)-Hepburn was able to carry her own films like Summertime, Little Women, and Sylvia Scarlett over a stage and screen career that spanned eight decades. Her home was never in Hollywood (where she won four Oscars) or New York but in Connecticut, where she died lamenting "I could have accomplished three times as much. I haven't realized my full potential." The Movie Icon series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, TASCHEN shows you. Movie Icons is a series of photo books that feature the most famous personalities in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life. All the icons in the first 20 books of the series were voted for by over 7500 TASCHEN readers in a special online poll! About the author: Alain Silver has co-written and co-edited a score of books including The Samurai Film, The Noir Style, The Vampire Film, Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

788 Руб.

Silver Alain Sean Connery

Silver Alain Sean Connery


Why is the only non-American winner of the AFI's prestigious Life Achievement Award a Scotsman? Perhaps because Sean Connery's career, though international in scope and global in appeal, made him a "genuine movie star" without any pretensions or pandering to fashion. Indisputably, Connery's incarnation of James Bond catapulted him to stardom and lay the foundation for the most successful franchise in motion picture history. Together Bond and Connery became larger-than-life; but it was Connery, not Bond, whose powerful presence went on to permeate scores of other roles. Connery can be as cool and charismatic as Steve McQueen, as elegant as Cary Grant, or as generous as Frank Sinatra. Said Audrey Hepburn: "There are only two great stars in my recollection who have not been changed by massive success: Lassie and Sean Connery." About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Film producer, critic and historian Alain Silver is the author of 20 books on cinematic topics, including The Noir Style, LA Noir, the Film Noir Reader series, and Steve McQueen, Frank Sinatra, and Katharine Hepburn for TASCHEN's Icon series. His audio commentaries on classic film noir DVDs include Call Northside 777 and Double Indemnity. A member of the Directors Guild of America, the Screen Actors Guild, and the Writers Guild of America, he graduated from UCLA with degrees in film production and critical studies.

718 Руб.

Смеситель для кухни Delinia Alain Профи с гибким изливом 46 см цвет хром

Смеситель для кухни Delinia Alain Профи с гибким изливом 46 см цвет хром


[![Рассчитать примерную стоимость]( )](/kalkulyator-remonta/raschet-stoimosti-kuhni/ 'рассчитать примерную стоимость') ### [![Запись на проектирование](]( 'Запись на проектирование')  ### СКАЧАТЬ ИНСТРУКЦИЮ [![Скачать инструкцию](]( 'Скачать инструкцию') **ВНИМАНИЕ: ВСЕ СМЕСИТЕЛИ DELINIA ОСНАЩЕНЫ ПОДВОДКОЙ С НЕСТАНДАРТНОЙ ШТУЦЕР ГАЙКОЙ НА М8, ПОЭТОМУ, ЕСЛИ ДЛЯ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЯ К КОММУНИКАЦИЯМ ВАМ НЕОБХОДИМ БОЛЬШИЙ РАЗМЕР ПОДВОДКИ, ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ ПРИОБРЕСТИ ЕЁ В НАШИХ МАГАЗИНАХ В ОДНОМ ИЗ ТРЁХ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕННЫХ РАЗМЕРОВ (60, 80 И 100 СМ).** **Смеситель для кухни Delinia Alain** — однорычажный хромированный сантехнический прибор. Предназначен для подачи воды необходимой температуры и напора, оснащен двухпозиционным картриджем диаметром 35 мм: при включении крана в нейтральном или первом положении используется половина всего потока воды. Второе положение переключает поток воды на полную мощность. Смеситель подключается к системе водоснабжения давлением до 5 бар. Подходит для установки в высотные многоквартирные дома. Корпус изготовлен из латуни. Высокопрочный материал устойчив к окислению и механическим повреждениям, долговечен в эксплуатации. Съемный гибкий излив-лейка высотой 14,7 см выполнен из нейлона, имеет один режим струи, удобен для использования. Глубина желоба (16,2 см) комфортна для мытья посуды разных размеров. Противоосадочный аэратор препятствует скоплению известкового налета, облегчает уход. Ширина смесителя — 30 см. Общая высота — 46 см. **Берегите воду - сохраняйте бюджет.** Этот смеситель оснащен аэратором, который снижает потребление воды без потери силы потока. ### Преимущества модели - Имеет сертификацию соответствия санитарным нормам (ACS). Отсутствие вредных веществ в составе обеспечивает безопасность для здоровья человека. - Укомплектована набором креплений и шлангом водоснабжения длиной 55 см. ### Уход за смесителем Очистить водой и мылом, вытереть мягкой тканью. Запрещается использовать абразивные чистящие средства, а также средства, содержащие кислоты или хлор.

10800 Руб.

8562760023122, Виниловая пластинкаSinatra, Frank, Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (Analogue)

8562760023122, Виниловая пластинкаSinatra, Frank, Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (Analogue)

Пр-во: Impex

Купить виниловую пластинку Frank Sinatra / Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (1LP) - это возможность окунуться в уникальную атмосферу музыки великого Фрэнка Синатры и насладиться его неподражаемым талантом в пении и танце. Альбом Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra представляет собой подборку самых известных и любимых песен Синатры, которые не оставят вас равнодушными. В нем вы найдете волнующие баллады, яркие мелодии и ритмичные композиции, которые отлично подойдут для танцев и воспоминаний о прекрасных моментах. Купить виниловую пластинку Frank Sinatra / Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (1LP) - это отличный выбор для всех поклонников звезды эпохи золотого джаза. Закажите этот альбом прямо сейчас и прочувствуйте непередаваемую энергию и стиль Фрэнка Синатры, который навсегда останется в истории музыки.

8310 Руб.

Талезе Г. Frank Sinatra Has a Cold

Талезе Г. Frank Sinatra Has a Cold


“Sinatra with a cold is Picasso without paint, Ferrari without fuel—only worse. For the common cold robs Sinatra of that uninsurable jewel, his voice, cutting into the core of his confidence.” — Gay TaleseIn the winter of 1965, writer Gay Talese set out for Los Angeles with an assignment from Esquire to write a major profile on Frank Sinatra. When he arrived, he found the singer and his vigilant entourage on the defensive: Sinatra was under the weather, not available, and not willing to be interviewed.Undeterred, Talese stayed, believing Sinatra might recover and reconsider, and used the meantime to observe the star and to interview his friends, associates, family members, and hangers-on. Sinatra never did grant the one-on-one, but Talese’s tenacity paid off: his profile Frank Sinatra Has a Cold went down in history as a tour de force of literary nonfiction and the advent of the New Journalism.In this illustrated edition, Frank Sinatra Has a Cold is published with an introduction by Talese, reproductions of his manuscript pages, and correspondence. Interwoven are photographs from the legendary lens of Phil Stern, the only photographer granted access to Sinatra over four decades, as well as from top photojournalists of the ’60s, including John Bryson, John Dominis, and Terry O’Neill. The photographs complement Talese’s character study, painting an incisive portrait of Sinatra in the recording studio, on location, out on the town, and with the eponymous cold, which reveals as much about a singular star persona as it does about the Hollywood machine.

6691 Руб.

Талезе Г. Frank Sinatra Has a Cold

Талезе Г. Frank Sinatra Has a Cold


“Sinatra with a cold is Picasso without paint, Ferrari without fuel—only worse. For the common cold robs Sinatra of that uninsurable jewel, his voice, cutting into the core of his confidence.” — Gay TaleseIn the winter of 1965, writer Gay Talese set out for Los Angeles with an assignment from Esquire to write a major profile on Frank Sinatra. When he arrived, he found the singer and his vigilant entourage on the defensive: Sinatra was under the weather, not available, and not willing to be interviewed.Undeterred, Talese stayed, believing Sinatra might recover and reconsider, and used the meantime to observe the star and to interview his friends, associates, family members, and hangers-on. Sinatra never did grant the one-on-one, but Talese’s tenacity paid off: his profile Frank Sinatra Has a Cold went down in history as a tour de force of literary nonfiction and the advent of the New Journalism.In this illustrated edition, Frank Sinatra Has a Cold is published with an introduction by Talese, reproductions of his manuscript pages, and correspondence. Interwoven are photographs from the legendary lens of Phil Stern, the only photographer granted access to Sinatra over four decades, as well as from top photojournalists of the ’60s, including John Bryson, John Dominis, and Terry O’Neill. The photographs complement Talese’s character study, painting an incisive portrait of Sinatra in the recording studio, on location, out on the town, and with the eponymous cold, which reveals as much about a singular star persona as it does about the Hollywood machine.

6691 Руб.

Ursini James, Silver Alain, Duncan Paul Film Noir

Ursini James, Silver Alain, Duncan Paul Film Noir


Explore the dark and brooding elegance of Film Noir with this essential handbook to the genre, exploring key noir themes and their most representative movies. Copiously illustrated with film stills as well as original posters, the book also lists TASCHEN’s top 50 noir classics. A must for amateurs and aficionados alike.

2941 Руб.

Овальные солнцезащитные очки 55MM Alain Mikli, черный

Овальные солнцезащитные очки 55MM Alain Mikli, черный

Пр-во: Alain Mikli

Бренд: Alain MikliЦвет: черный

14124 Руб.

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