twain mark the prince and the pauper

Twain Mark The Classic Works of Mark Twain

Twain Mark The Classic Works of Mark Twain


Six of the best-loved Mark Twain classics in a beautiful hardback format. Delighting children and adults around the world, the classic stories of Mark Twain are a must-read set. Featuring The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper and more this timeless collection will remind readers of the power of Twain's vivid imagination. Part of Bounty's new Classic Fiction series, this title is an essential for anyone with a real love of literature.

1323 Руб.

Twain Mark The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper


"The first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs." - William Faulkner on Mark Twain This beautiful hardback collection brings together Mark Twain's earliest and most celebrated novels: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Prince and the Pauper. His rich humour and powerful social criticism have made him perennially popular and his roguish heroes have captured the hearts of readers for over a century.

4244 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


One of the most popular and respected series of simplified readers for English learners, with stories from contemporary and classic authors. Adapted from Mark Twain's classic story of what happens when two boys - Edward Tudor, a prince and the future King of England, and the poor son of thief - swap lives. Retold by Chris Rose.

1104 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince And The Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince And The Pauper


Марк Твен - один из самых известных американских писателей, чьи произведения отличает живость повествования, искромётный юмор и умение тонко поднимать философские вопросы. "Принц и нищий" - блестящее произведение автора, которое любят и взрослые, и дети, по праву стало классикой мировой литературы. Волею судеб мальчик-бедняк Том Кенти оказывается в королевском дворце и меняется одеждой с принцем Эдуардом, что послужит началом незабываемых приключений…Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

1087 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince And The Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince And The Pauper


This treasured historical satire, played out in two very different socioeconomic worlds of 16th-century England, centers around the lives of two boys born in London on the same day: Edward, Prince of Wales and Tom Canty, a street beggar. During a chance encounter, the two realize they are identical and, as a lark, decide to exchange clothes and roles - a situation that briefly, but drastically, alters the lives of both youngsters. The Prince, dressed in rags, wanders about the city's boisterous neighborhoods among the lower classes and endures a series of hardships; meanwhile, poor Tom, now living with the royals, is constantly filled with the dread of being discovered for who and what he really is.

656 Руб.

Twain Mark The prince and the pauper

Twain Mark The prince and the pauper


Серия English Fiction Collection состоит из лучших произведений английских и американских авторов. Читая книгу на языке оригинала, вы не только обогатите собственную лексику и научитесь чувствовать грамматический строй, но также сможете насладиться настоящим языком великих писателей и поэтов. Серия предназначена для тех, кто учит английский всерьез, кто действительно хочет знать этот красивый и многогранный язык.

167 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Twian's popular novel chronicles the adventures of two young boys, a Prince and a Pauper, who exchange roles and stations in life. Each boy has strong misconceptions of what the other boys life is like and series of educational and entertaining adventures play out as the boys grow more comfortable in both their real and assumed roles in life. Mark Twain's Prince and the Pauper is a popular story and a classic from American Literature.

518 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Издание на английском языке. Treasured historical satire, played out in two very different socio-economic worlds of 16th-century England, focuses on two young look-alikes — Edward, the Prince of Wales, and Tom Canty, a street beggar. When both youngsters decide to trade clothes and roles, they find their lives drastically altered. This timeless tale of transposed identities remains one of Twain's best-loved novels.

178 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Серия English Fiction Collection состоит из лучших произведений английских и американских авторов. Читая книгу на языке оригинала, вы не только обогатите собственную лексику и научитесь чувствовать грамматический строй, но также сможете насладиться настоящим языком великих писателей и поэтов. Серия предназначена для тех, кто учит английский всерьез, кто действительно хочет знать этот красивый и многогранный язык.

78 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Set in 1547, this satirical novel brings together Tom Canty, an impoverished urchin who lives with his abusive father in London's filthiest streets, and pampered Prince Edward, the son of King Henry VIII. Noticing their uncanny resemblance, the two boys trade clothes on a whim. While Tom lives in the lap of luxury and finds he has a knack for rendering wise judgments, the ragged prince roams the city and discovers first-hand the misery of his poorest subjects' lives. But when the king dies and Edward tries to claim his throne, he finds that changing places will be difficult to undo.

1630 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Tom Canty and Edward Tudor could have been identical twins. Their birthdays match, their faces match, but there the likeness stops. For Edward is a prince, heir to King Henry VIII, whilst Tom is a miserable pauper. But when fate intervenes, Edward is thrown out of the palace in rags, leaving ignorant Tom to play the part of a royal prince. Even those who have never read the novel will be familiar with Twain's classic tale of mistaken identity: at once an adventure story and a fantasy of timeless appeal.

1906 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper


Rediscover Puffin Classics - timeless stories for each new generation. Tom Canty and Edward Tudor could have been identical twins. Their birthdays and their faces match, but there the likeness stops. For Edward is prince, heir to King Henry VIII of England, whilst Tom is a miserable pauper. But fate intervenes, and their identities become confused. Soon the prince is thrown out of the palace in rags, leaving ignorant Tom to play the part of a royal prince. Lightly abridged for Puffin Classics.

1797 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper (+CD)

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper (+CD)


Two babies are born on the same day in England. One boy is a prince and the other boy is from a very poor family. Ten years later, they change places for a game. But then the old king dies and they cannot change back. Will the poor boy be the new King of England? Retold by Jane Rollason.

2309 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and The Pauper (+CD)

Twain Mark The Prince and The Pauper (+CD)


1547 год. Лондон. Два абсолютно разных мальчика из разных семей. Первый - Эдвард Тюдор, принц и будущий король Англии; другой - Том Канти, сын вора. Однажды они встречаются и их жизнь меняется навсегда. Что может произойти, если два мальчика поменяются своей одеждой? Почему принцу может понадобиться помощь бедного человека? Кто станет королем, когда умрет Генрих VIII? И как красивый золотой предмет может спасти принца? Классическая история Марка Твена о двух мальчиках, которые поменялись жизнями, даст ответы на все вопросы. Книга сопровождается аудиодиском. The Prince and the Pauper is a classic story written by Mark Twain and has been adapted for Elementary Level readers. The story explains what happens when two boys - Edward Tudor, a prince and future King of England, and the poor son of a thief meet and swap lives. Includes an Audio CD. Key features: - Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary - Some difficult words and phrases are explained with pictures - The book has around 1100 basic words for Elementary-level students - Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets - Includes an Audio CD

1674 Руб.

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper. Level 2

Twain Mark The Prince and the Pauper. Level 2


Two babies are born on the same day in England. One boy is a prince and the other boy is from a very poor family. Ten years later, they change places for a game. But then the old king dies and they cannot change back. Will the poor boy be the new King of England? Retold by Jane Rollason.

2749 Руб.

Twain M. The Prince and the Pauper

Twain M. The Prince and the Pauper


Марк Твен (1835-1910) - знаменитый американский, писатель, журналист и общественный деятель. Его творчество охватывает множество жанров - юмор, сатиру, философскую фантастику, публицистику и др. Уильям Фолкнер называл его первым по-настоящему американским писателем, а Эрнест Хемингуэй считал, что вся современная американская литература вышла из одной книги Марка Твена - "Приключений Гекльберри Финна". "Принц и нищий" - первый и самый известный исторический роман писателя. Речь в нем идет о двух мальчиках, родившихся в один день, - принце Эдуарде и уличном мальчишке Томе Кенти, которые оказались удивительно похожими друг на друга и поменялись местами: Том остался в королевском дворце, а принц Эдуард отправился в лондонские трущобы… В книге приводится неадаптированный текст романа с комментариями и словарем.

419 Руб.

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